Wow, I cannot believe that I have posted 365 posts. When I started this blog it was really so I could have something to send to Chris 5 days a week while he was in boot camp. I wanted to make him laugh without making him home sick. I really never thought anyone else would read it.
A lot has happened in this last year.
Chris graduated from boot camp
And moved to Tennessee.
Emily was born
We got Abby
Tom & Victoria & Guy moved to Austin
Amy got a kitten
Amy raced her first bike race
Amy got her first apartment by herself
Grandpa had hip surgery
Had visitors from New York
New York
New York
Grandpa had heart surgery
Chris came home for visit for the first time,since moving to TN
Triplets turned 3
Jake had surgery
Our first over night pet sitters happened
Good Dogs |
A trip to Austin
Jake had to stay in the hospital 4 day due to a Toxic ingestion
Chris came back for a 2nd visit
Emily turned 1
We feel so bless to have had such a wonderful year. We already have big family travel plans in the making for next year. I'm so excited to see what next year offers us.