We had a great visit in TX. I'll show a little later some of what we did.
Today we could use some prayers. You see about a week ago Amy's Coco was not feeling well and so we took her to the vet. They gave her some antibiotics which made her feel better, but they also gave her Rimadyl for Coco's arthritis which was also helping.
This weekend Amy stayed here to watch the dogs while we were gone. Guess what? While she was asleep Jake got in her purse (which is the size of a small suit case) and got the Rimadyl and ate it all.
What was left of the bottle |
In large dose it is toxic for dogs. She got him to the vet pretty quickly, they induced vomiting,got some activated charcoal in him to help absorption of it, have him on IV fluids to help flush out, they are concerned that there could be some long term kidney and /or liver damage. It could take up to 72 hours before any symptons of that show up, so they are keeping him for another 24 hour, the longer they can keep up with the preventative care, the more hopeful they are. We will know a little more after they check his blood work Monday morning.
We went to see him as soon as we got back into town. He was not happy that he had to stay. The vet said he's been a really good boy, and everybody there loves him, and that even though he has an IV he has not had to wear the cone. We hope and pray that he is able to come through this with out any serious long term affects.
He's a Good Boy