This was a big weekend for Amy. She has lived with room mates since she moved out of our house some years ago, and this weekend she moved into her first apartment with out any room mates. It's all hers and Coco and Ofie's. She actually has to pay rent for the animals.
Going in for the first time |
Inside with her house warming gift from the apartments, a plunger and 2 cokes |
Actually these pictures are not really right, to make a long story short, when we got inside we realized this apartment was not really ready to be moved into, so the apartment complex gave her another one and it was totally up graded with all new cabinets and counters, and tubs, and carpet, tile. She got lucky I think.
I got to watch Coco and Ofie while they were moving everything. Most of you know I'm kinda afraid of cats, cause I've never really been around them. You know what, I'm really okay with Ofie. She likes me.
The second bedroom |
We stayed in the second bedroom with the door closed, while they were moving things, so we were out of the way and neither Coco or Ofie could run out. In between trips I let them out so they could explore the place. Coco was okay with just a walk in each room, but Ofie had to check on everything.
Hello outside |
She loved the closet |
She is getting big 4 months old now |
She really seems to enjoy snuggling at feet |
I really enjoyed pet sitting for Amy this weekend and look forward to doing again some time. They were Good Girls. I'm sure they are gonna be a very happy in their new place.